Tag: VOS in partnership with Hillborough Junior School in Luton

  • Partnership


    It feels us with great pride and pleasure to be in partnership with Hillborough Junior School in Luton Hillborough Junior School. Our Trustees met the school management for the second time on Friday 23 March 2018, during which the school donated a number of school books and materials in support of our beneficiaries. Hillborough Junior School Values and Ethos are:

    “We believe that it is our duty to provide a safe, inclusive and exciting learning environment which fills our students with enthusiasm for school and inspires them to do the best they can. Parents and family members are key partners in ensuring that their children make the best progress possible and that they play an active role in education. Hillborough is a strong family and a diverse community that appreciates and values everyone. We are proud of our values and the ethos of our school.”

    One of our objectives is to facilitate the fostering of relationship with schools in the UK and Nigeria, we are pleased to announce that we are in process of making that a reality with discussions going on at both ends with interested parties – more details will follow as things develop.